Where did your willpower go?

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

I would like to share a story that touched me deeply. One of my patients is a young adult who had an incident during childhood that resulted in damage to his brain. With exercise, diet, an appetite suppressant and mind-body medicine, he is maintaining a 20-25 lb weight loss for 2-3 years. But he has…

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Could you use an extra boost?

If you are reading this, you have most certainly tried to force yourself to lose weight by eating less (or better) and moving more. You probably also have tried appetite suppressants to help you. You may have even had weight loss surgery. You’ve come to get “GAS” (guidance, accountability and support) here at IMWL, with…

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Structure Produces Freedom

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

It seems that every week has a theme in working with weight loss. Last week that theme was resistance. In talking about food and what to eat, I suggested to write down your meals the day before so you know exactly what you are going to eat the next day. This way, there is structure…

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Do you feel like you’re fighting food?

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

Last week, a patient presented the situation of going to restaurants with her partner who really likes going to restaurants and takes a very long time to eat. She sits there with the basket of popcorn, and her food and his food and feels like she is fighting the food the whole time. As we…

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I Want Freedom!

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

“I want freedom to eat sugar, but when I eat it I’m not free at all. It takes over and I can’t stop!”  A patient said this to me once and spoke for so many people. With Thursday being July 4th, freedom is a fitting topic to focus on. When it comes to food and eating, some of…

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Can we ever make sense of the scale?

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

One day a woman told me that she and her friend went to Boston on a Friday night and ate dessert and the next morning when they went to Weight Watchers, she had lost 4 pounds. She felt she had gotten away with eating the dessert. And like many people, she felt that the scale…

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Calories, Cravings & Clarity

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

If you are like many people, you are very confused about what to eat. There are as many opinions out there as moments in the day! One of those opinions is that there are no good foods, no bad foods and we should listen to our body and eat intuitively. This NY Times article was…

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Judging vs. Judgement

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

When it comes to food, eating and weight there seems to be a lot of judging going on. Are people judging you for eating or not eating certain foods? Are you judging others? This type of energy just leaves us feeling badly, which can leave us vulnerable to comforting ourselves with food. So what is…

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I have lost weight, why can’t I accept my body?

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

There are two aspects to weight loss. The physical piece; involving tracking, moving, prepping and planning. And the emotional piece, which is far more complex. We know how we may feel about our body when it is heavy and most people can relate to not feeling good or looking good. But what happens with our…

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The Best Diet for YOU!

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

It seems folks are frequently looking for and trying a new diet. From Atkins to Zone, there are an infinite number of diets. What occurred to me in the past couple weeks in talking with people was that of the infinite diets we can learn, hear, or read about; they are ultimately the view of…

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