Calories, Cravings & Clarity

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

If you are like many people, you are very confused about what to eat. There are as many opinions out there as moments in the day! One of those opinions is that there are no good foods, no bad foods and we should listen to our body and eat intuitively. This NY Times article was…

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The Best Diet for YOU!

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

It seems folks are frequently looking for and trying a new diet. From Atkins to Zone, there are an infinite number of diets. What occurred to me in the past couple weeks in talking with people was that of the infinite diets we can learn, hear, or read about; they are ultimately the view of…

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Trigger Foods or Trigger Diets

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

You may have come across advice that says don’t deprive yourself of any food including sugar or you will just want it more. Patrice French (RNP here at IMWL) came across such advice recently in her never-ending research she does to help our patients. She asked me what I thought about someone on the internet giving advice…

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2018 Lessons & Reflections

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

As the year comes to a close, I have had some time to reflect on how much I have learned through my work and I wanted to share some thoughts with you today. I want to take the time to thank each and every one of you that comes in to the practice. Your stories…

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Peek-a-Boo, I See You!

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

Come out, come out where ever you are! Last week I was reminded where calories can hide. One woman was eating extremely healthy and exercising, but was gaining weight. Another woman’s boyfriend was gaining weight even though he was eating healthy and exercising. A third woman I met in a different setting wanted to come…

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What do Fingerprints have to do with Food?

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

Probably not what you think.  I’m not talking about messy fingers after eating. I’m talking about something a patient said to me the other day at the conclusion of our visit.  We were discussing her food plan, specifically and food in general.  We were both pretty much agreeing on something that unfortunately doesn’t seem to…

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The Shift. . .For Weight Loss

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

If you don’t struggle with weight loss, no need to read past this line 🙂 Do you think that people who easily make healthy food choices are stronger then those who don’t? In reality, those who make the healthy food choices don’t actually want the unhealthy food as much as those who make the less…

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Stimulating vs. Satisfying

Integrated Medical Weight Loss

Staying on track with healthy eating can be quite challenging. There are many factors that affect the ability to stay on track. One of these is food itself.  Some foods tend to be truly satisfying for our hunger, while others will actually stimulate it. Foods that tend to be satisfying are usually those that are…

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