Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method

The Ideal Protein Protocol is a medically developed, methodical, weight loss protocol with over 10 years of success. What makes this program so successful? We empower dieters with the knowledge to translate their initial weight loss into lifestyle changes needed to sustain stable weight maintenance.Our weight loss method is geared towards those who want to reach and maintain improved well-being by primarily reducing body fat and supporting muscle mass.
There are four phases in the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol. During all four Phases you will receive one-on-one coaching, teaching you how your body gains weight and what you should be eating in order to maintain a balanced weight.
If you are looking for a structured and healthy way to lose weight, you are invited to meet with one of our coaches for an informational meeting to determine if Ideal Protein is the right method for you.
For additional information on the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Method please visit
We invite you to call with any questions you may have or to schedule a free informational appointment.

Our Ideal Protein Coaches:

Lisa Garcia
Ideal Protein coaches can be reached directly at